We would like to thank all our customers for the trust they have placed in us over the years. Our resources and skills have enabled us to accompany you on your most demanding projects, and to progress alongside you.
We would also like to thank our qualified partners, on whom we can rely to complete our range of services.
The history of Abaqsys Ingénierie in a few dates

The origins of ABAQSYS Ingénierie go back to 1989, with the creation of the Centre Inter-régional de Métrologie (C.I.M.), an ISO17025-certified, COFRAC-accredited calibration laboratory.
Awarded the Technological Resource Center label

The C.I.M. is backed by a university research laboratory (LE2I) and was awarded the C.R.T. (Centre de Ressources Technologiques) label by the French Ministry of Industry and Research in 1997. The CRT will be the link between university research and industrial applications.
CIM-CRT becomes Abaqsys Ingénierie

On May 10, 2010, CIM-CRT officially became independent, becoming ABAQSYS Ingénierie S.A.R.L., thus breaking away from the Training Centre (Pôle Formation), which was in the midst of restructuring to meet the new challenges of apprenticeship.
This strategic choice has enabled ABAQSYS Ingénierie to maintain a high level of expertise, based on the determination and experience of its own engineers and technicians.
New associate integration
Investment in HANDY SCAN scanning equipment
This patented, fast and versatile portable 3D scanner generates repeatable, highly accurate results, even on complicated surfaces and in complex environments.
Moving premises
The House of the Company moves to a new building on rue des Caillottes in Auxerre.
Integrating a new partner
With over 25 years' experience on major industrial projects, the founders of ABAQSYS Ingénierie set up their own structure in 2010 with the ambition of adapting to everyone's needs.
Over 17 years of investment in people, hardware and software
Positioned as a service provider to industry in mechanical engineering and 3D metrology, ABAQSYS Ingénierie has retained its core values in its desire to support companies in their technological projects.
ABAQSYS Ingénierie is now involved in structural calculations and mechanical design for a wide range of sectors, including road transport, boilermaking, lifting and handling, steel construction, urban planning and furniture, R&D, …
Through its optical, contact and laser scanner measurement resources, 3D metrology is applied to multi-disciplinary manufacturing processes, such as machining, stamping, plastics processing, protyping, civil engineering, archeology, art, …